Corporate Security

Corporate Security Solutions

At Cobwebs Technologies, we understand security issues corporations are facing today. With decades of experience in cybersecurity and the global intelligence market, our team of experts includes leading intelligence minds with niche expertise in the threat intelligence sphere. As a result, we’re ready to provide corporate security solutions you can rely on.

Our Solutions
The core of Cobwebs’ corporate security solutions is our multilayered web intelligence platform, which maintains superior cyber threat intelligence, enabling you to detect, analyze, and act on dangers from all corners of the web. Our AI-Powered Web Intelligence platform identifies cyber threats before they occur, observing attackers, their plans, and methodologies to generate real-time actionable insights to protect corporations in three critical areas:

Digital Risk Protection

Protect your organization with preventive threat intelligence. Preemptive detection. Reputation analysis. Situational awareness for crisis management.


Threat Intelligence

Drive intelligence-led security. Safeguard critical virtual assets. Protect brand reputation. Identify threat actors and map their networks.


Data Breach Detection

Stay ahead of cyberthreats and protect digital resources. Monitor the web for compromised property. Detect infosec vulnerabilities. Discover insider threats.

Security Challenges

Corporations face threats to across their business, and technological advances mean that these concerns are constantly changing. Some of these challenges include: Regular cyber-attacks using malware, ransomware, etc. Data leaks Physical threats against employees and company infrastructure Compromised assets and intellectual property threats To compound these security challenges, threat actors operate across an ever-expanding network of darknets and other online forums and channels. While companies put considerable resources into addressing these problems, the identification process of breach culprits, threat actors, and potential damage can be astronomical. As a result, your business may incur unwelcome additional expenses and consequences. However, Cobwebs’ state-of-the-art cyber threat intelligence can deliver a more efficient and effective way for your company to protect its digital landscape.

Digital Risk Protection

Protect Your Organization with Preventive Threat Intelligence. Global corporations must proactively address potential disruptions to business continuity emanating from unforeseen and undetectable threats. Malicious threat actors target critical infrastructure, supply chains, traveling employees, high-profile business events, and intellectual property, all of which provide exposure across the digital landscape via their vulnerability to natural disasters, civil disruptions, and other emergencies. At Cobwebs, we go after these security risks preemptively using our AI-Powered cyber threat intelligence and cyber assets protection platform. This powerful web intelligence platform enables complete management of threat intelligence gathering, detecting, analyzing, and monitoring dangers to your business from all levels of the web. We provide:



Our threat intelligence platform identifies and analyzes specific security concerns, such as new malware and ransomware. We then uncover their connected networks and gauge their ability to take action.



We analyze sentiments regarding your company, operations, and key executives according to a topic, location, and demographic. With this data, we can advise and assist with preventative measures.


Situational Awareness
for Crisis Management

Our systems collect data in real-time on disruptions from national emergencies, natural disasters, pandemics, and other disruptions specific to your area of business and geography.

Threat Intelligence

Proactively Address Threats to Maintain Business Continuity. Global corporations must proactively address potential disruptions to business continuity emanating from unforeseen and undetectable threats. Malicious threat actors target critical infrastructure, supply chains, traveling employees, high-profile business events, and intellectual property, all of which provide exposure across the digital landscape via their vulnerability to natural disasters, civil disruptions, and other emergencies. At Cobwebs, we go after these security risks preemptively using our AI-Powered cyber threat intelligence and cyber assets protection platform. This powerful web intelligence platform enables complete management of threat intelligence gathering, detecting, analyzing, and monitoring dangers to your business from all levels of the web. We provide:

Safeguarding Critical
Virtual Assets

Overlaid intelligence cycles produce real-time insights to protect employees, executives, and information – whether at work, home, or anywhere along the way.


Protecting your

We monitor all layers of the web for data leaks, issues with your company’s reputation, or threats to your employees, property, or brand.


Identifying Threat Actors
and Mapping Their Networks

We will uncover hacker groups, organized crime elements, and other networks actively plotting to use malware, ransomware, or other hacking tools against your business.

We also bring real-time targeted, actionable contextual alerts based on data obtained from all layers of darknets. Our threat intelligence investigations safely and anonymously extract intel without exposing your infrastructure to threat actors operating on the internet underground.

Data Breach Detection

Stay Ahead of Cyberthreats and Protect Your Digital Resources. Hackers and other threat actors attempt to steal and leak sensitive data daily, motivated by malice, financial gain, or other factors. Data leaks can cause tremendous reputational damage to your business, loss of client confidence, and significant financial losses. As a business, your corporate security team needs to act immediately to identify, verify, and contain the damage. Preferably, they would identify beforehand any heightened risk of being targeted.
Cobwebs is ideally situated to help with these security issues. Our AI-powered cyber threat intelligence platform safely scans the surface, deep, and dark web where compromised data would potentially be sold.

Monitor for
Compromised Property.

Our systems will detect mentions of the sale of data, products, or intellectual assets on the dark web.



Our work will identify areas where vulnerabilities exist that are being shared or discussed on criminal channels and forums.


Insider Threats.

We can identify malicious insiders in the organization who leak valuable data or sell exclusive access.

You will also receive targeted alerts that will help your business monitor for reputational damage and respond rapidly to compromised data across the threat landscape.

Corporate Security Resources


Threat Intelligence Tools

Data-driven open-source intelligence can provide critical insights to organizations by monitoring, detecting, and analyzing malicious activity on all levels of the internet, including the deep and dark web.


Four Corporate Security Scenarios Requiring Open Source Intelligence

Whether the user is interested in upholding a good brand reputation, avoiding or managing a real-world crisis, preventing cyberattacks, minimizing digital risks, or all of these, Cobwebs OSINT solution is at the core.


Five Reasons Corporate Security Teams Need Access to Open-Source Intelligence

Corporate security teams need to provide protection against both digital and physical threats with actionable intelligence for rapid response. Add open-source intelligence into your security posture to ensure operational safety.

Complete Corporate
Security from Cobwebs

At Cobwebs, we have the skills, experience, and expertise to provide your organization with the best in modern cybersecurity. We manage digital risk protection, from cyber threat intelligence to data breach detection and complete cyber protection. Get in touch today to discuss your needs with one of our cybersecurity experts.

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